Thursday, January 26, 2017

Being Millennials

Let’s be honest. Millennials have received a lot of flack for being an entitled, lazy, narcissistic, and tech-absorbed generation. While this may apply to some of us born in the 80's and 90's, one shouldn't be so quick to pass judgement on an entire generation. Okay, we admit we may have some of these traits, but not all. In an attempt to give millennials a better name and learn more about ourselves, we are embarking to put these stereotypes to rest. . . or perhaps reveal their validity.

We will review and examine our technology-drenched lives by hearkening back to our younger days, trying simpler (dare I say archaic) technologies and evaluating ourselves in the process. In addition to this, we'll write our outlook on topics such as politics, social media, entitlement, etc. Because this is a blog all about us. Narcissistic? Perhaps. But we're okay with that.